Category: Fishing

The Basics of Chess

Chess is a fascinating board game that was invented thousands of years ago. Throughout its long history, it has earned acclaim and is considered to be the ‘king’ of board games. Several famous personalities were known for their chess skills. Napoleon, Nikola Tesla, Charlie Chaplin and Einstein were among them. Chess can provide many hours […]

Sunglasses 101

Sunglasses are not as simple as many people think. As such, it’s important that you get “briefed” before you buy. The different parts to sunglasses will have a great impact on the look and feel of the pair. Different parts can also affect UV protection, glare resistance, and what sports the sunglasses would best be […]

Skydiving training methods

The Basics First, you will need to find a skydiving school with a good reputation. This is a fairly easy thing to do. The internet, phone book, and local airports are full of them. Next, you will need to check your pocket book. Skydiving is one of the more expensive sports to learn. Then, you […]